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The future of work is on everyone’s agenda. This event brings thought leaders together to share cutting edge ideas on the future, from both a people and technology perspective. It will allow an understanding of the key drivers of change and enablers of innovation that will shape how, where and when work takes place. Our conference programme will explore future technologies, cutting edge award-winning workplaces and people, change and engagement.

Scroll down to explore our Seattle programme and then secure your ticket.


Conference Opens

Opening Keynote: The Four Scenarios of AI and the Future of Work

Daniel W. Rasmus will present possible futures for AI through his set of Future of Work scenarios. Dan will briefly introduce scenario planning and share several uncertainties that will drive the future of work. AI's rapid development, unknown impact on people and work, and emergent regulatory frameworks make forecasting its future impossible. AI will undoubtedly have a future, but the specific character and attributes of that future are unknown. Scenarios explore possible outcomes and interactions—they create a canvas upon which to explore how AI could change our work and lives.

Collective Creativity using Generative AI

Generative AI democratizes creativity by providing tools that enhance storytelling and communication, breaking down traditional barriers of training and experience. The design professionals of the future will transition from being sole content producers to becoming curators, conductors, and tastemakers, guiding more profound and diverse narratives. This session will introduce generative AI and explore its implications for the future of creative production. Attendees will participate in a live demo where their responses will shape a custom visual in real time.

Networking and Coffee Break

Top Trends Shaping Employee Experience in 2025

Dive into the top trends shaping and reshaping the world of work for 2025, with insights from 30,000+ employees worldwide. Learn what matters most to people and how to design employee experiences for today's workforce.

Audience Interactive Session

Innovation Platform - Envoy

Networking and Lunch Break

Zoning as a Catalyst: Adaptive Reuse, Rezoning, and the Social Dynamics of Urban Development

This session explores the transformative potential of adaptive reuse and rezoning in shaping a more
equitable and sustainable urban future. Focusing on mixed-use, transit-oriented development, and adaptive reuse of existing infrastructure, the topic delves into the underpinnings of zoning regulations and their impact on design, infrastructure, and capital investment. Through international case studies and the historical context of zoning changes in the US, this discussion amplifies the importance of civic engagement for smarter solutions that foster inclusive development.

Adaptive Reuse – Inspiring a New Wave of Legacy

Adaptive reuse has proven itself a powerful practice for creating remarkable, future-focused workplaces. Block, Inc has executed this strategy with exceptional success for spaces in cities across the world for Cash App, Square, and Tidal. They have developed a unique approach to create spaces that meld history, legacy and meaning...all the while staying authentic to their brand and reducing their carbon footprint. In a world where people can work anywhere, how do you create a place that draws people in?

3D Printing: ‘A Circulinear Workplace’

Sustainability in design is evolving to a more complex discussion on circularity. Can the design industry reuse, reclaim and recycle products beyond a second or third life. 3-D printing is expanding the life of materials and products beyond what was thought possible just a few years ago. This presentation will explore what 3-D printing is, who is developing the latest technologies, why we need to be implementing it, and how can we leverage technology in the design of workplace. The session will demonstrate how to set up a 3-D printed object and culminate with a reveal of a 3-D printed product.

Networking and Coffee Break

Think Tank Breakout Discussions

Join our interactive think tank discussion groups, where we explore the future of work's most compelling topics. Alongside keynote presentations and panel discussions from industry experts, we invite you to participate in interactive peer-to-peer discussions to exchange ideas, problem-solve and share experiences, challenges and insights with the workplace community.

Digital Transformation: Thriving in The Modern Workplace

As the pace of technological advancements accelerates, we explore digital transformation and share lessons learned in navigating the modern workplace's digital terrain. When thinking about how you are leveraging workplace data alongside emerging disruptors like AI within your organizations, how can we extract meaningful insights and create seamless experiences to thrive in the digital era?

New Paradigms of Work

The post-pandemic era has given rise to new paradigms of work, including decentralized teams and flexible schedules. As business leaders strive to instil purpose and meaning within their physical workplaces, how can organizations proactively adapt to this "post-peak" office era and ensure that their workplaces remain conducive to collaboration, innovation, and meaningful employee experience? What innovative approaches to space, amenities and shared resources should be considered?

Talent of the Future and the New Employee Value Prop

As businesses navigate the complexities of an increasingly multi-generational workforce, let's explore strategies for attracting, retaining, and unlocking the potential of tomorrow's talent. What innovative approaches can be leveraged to enhance culture, foster meaningful collaboration and bridge organizational needs with the aspirations of the next generation of employees?

Expert Panel: Workplace Pilots - Adapting and Innovating for the Workplace Ecosystem of the Future

In this closing discussion, join esteemed workplace leaders as they reflect on key learnings from the day and share innovative approaches to creating and measuring flexible and adaptable workspaces and smart environments that enhance employee well-being, productivity, and engagement within their respective organizations. The panel's focus will be on sharing priorities and innovations, introducing pilots, and highlighting the wins, the surprises, and the learnings so far.

Chairperson's Closing Remarks

Conference Closes


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  • Workplace Evolutionaries