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At WORKTECH Events, we redefine the conference experience with a focus on quality over size.

Say goodbye to queues and noisy auditoria and hello to a warm, personal welcome in venues optimised for networking, interaction and learning.

We believe in inviting the possibility of change.

Our curated list of elite multi-disciplinary speakers delivers insightful presentations. The varied programme at each Event is curated to spark provocative discussions and provide actionable insights.


But it’s not just about the content—it’s about the connections. Our events offer unparalleled networking opportunities, ensuring you make meaningful connections with the right people.

And because we prioritise quality over scale, you’ll be able to catch-up with your favourite speaker at the water cooler.With our sights firmly focused on the future, we offer opportunities to young leaders and speakers through preferential ticketing options.

An informal group of delegates seated and standing round a table.


And let’s not forget the details: enjoy tasty food, good coffee, and quality drinks while experiencing ground-breaking venues that are both functional and comfortable as well as aesthetically pleasing.

Take a seat at a WORKTECH Event and experience the future of conferences first-hand

Invaluable experience from both a content and connections perspective

Manager, Workplace Change and Real Estate Services, Aurizon (WT17NY)

Extremely Informative

Senior Specialist, Facilities Security, Samsung

Informative, interesting views on workplace design, planning technology and workers

Occupancy Planner, Bank of Montreal (WT16TOR)

Insights into leading thinking around workplace

Program Integration Director - Kent St Transformation, Westpac (WT17SYD)

Bringing together innovative minds to share ideas and research on the Future of Work

Manager Integration Design - Real Estate Strategy, Suncorp (WT17SYD)

Dependable conference to venture to the cutting edge of workplace design

Project Program Manager, Google (WT17WC)

Informative, eye-opening and worthwhile

Facilities Assistant, LEGO (WT17SGP)

Diverse group of speakers, wide variety of interesting topics, forward thinking & innovative sharing

Global Change Management Strategist, Microsoft (WT17SGP)