Hear from global thought leaders

WORKTECH24 Manchester will feature speakers, including leading international thinkers from industry and academia. Our speakers represent some of the world’s biggest brands and best universities and research departments, alongside radical visionaries from new innovative organisations.

Through inter-disciplinary speakers and learning experience, we focus on bringing cutting edge ideas and inspiration to the workplace community to enhance creativity and move thinking forward. Instead of focusing on peer to peer innovation through imitation, we aim to curate a unique programme, bringing together experts in the fields of people, place and technology and relevant adjacencies to reflect on the future of work and workplace.


  • Rachel Ashworth

    Global Workplace Experience & Engagement Lead, Barclays

  • Peter Beesley

    Future Skills Lead, Marks and Spencer

  • Uli Blum

    Senior Associate, Zaha Hadid Architects

  • A person with long blonde hair wearing a white top

    Dr. Cecilia Ellis

    Deputy Director, Head of Department, People & Performance, Manchester Metropolitan University

  • Ed Hobbs

    National General Manager, x+why

  • Tom Keeling

    Smart Solutions Consultant & Data Specialist, Cordless Consulting

  • Kasia Maynard

    Head of Research & Editorial, WORKTECH Academy

  • Toby Mildon

    Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Architect, Mildon Ltd

  • Laura Mohomed

    Global Health & Wellbeing Manager, Tetra Pak

  • Jenny Proctor

    Global Learning & Capability Partner, AstraZeneca

  • Holly Redman

    Technology Experience Partner, Auto Trader

  • Jane Watson

    EMEA Director, XY Sense

  • Dale Whelehan

    CEO, 4 Day Week Global

  • A person with long brown hair wearing a white top.

    Leanne Wookey

    Interiors Director, TP Bannett


Host Partner

Gold Plus Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Supporting Partner

  • WORKTECH-Academy