The future of work is on everyone’s agenda. This event brings thought leaders together to share cutting edge ideas on the future, from both a people and technology perspective. It will allow an understanding of the key drivers of change and enablers of innovation that will shape how, where and when work takes place. Our conference programme will explore future technologies, cutting edge award-winning workplaces and people, change and engagement.


Conferences Opens

The New World of Work: Challenges & Emerging Trends

The pandemic has been a catalyst of re-shaping and re-thinking a new world of work. We examine what’s on the horizon for the future of work, looking at how business leaders should respond and what should they prioritise in the months ahead?

Empty Spaces and Hybrid Places

Jan shares new thinking on the Future of Cities and Urban design. New urban design strategies are emerging in reaction to the new realities on the ground, with cities becoming more hybrid themselves. This session explores new trends and themes emerging affecting the new world of work including the development of more mixed-use neighbourhoods, construction trends of more adaptable buildings, green public space and the design of multi-use office and retail space.

The Flight to Character: Creating an Authentic Workplace

While hybrid working has hit the office real estate sector hard, a major consolation has been a ‘flight to quality’ that has generated high demand for Class A offices in prime locations with strong ESG and sustainability criteria. But what if ‘quality’ or ‘premium’ space is no longer enough to entice people back to the office?

Innovation Platform: Skyfold

Coffee Break and Networking

Welcome Back

Workplace Experience

Companies are accelerating plans to invest in new technology, create flexible working environments and make the office a destination. We examine the latest workplace technologies and innovations that will support workplace experience and the built environment in 2024 and beyond.

Digital Innovation: Transforming the Workplace into a Destination

This session explores the transformative power of digital innovation in shaping the workplace into a destination that inspires, engages, and fosters a sense of pride among employees. Drawing inspiration from the iconic Rolex building and its innovative design, we will delve into real-world examples that showcase the profound impact of digital advancements on the modern work environment. We uncover ways in which digital innovation can transform workplace into a destination where employees thrive, collaborate, and take pride in their contributions to a shared vision of success.

Fireside Chat: Flight to Quality | Rethinking Real Estate

With unprecedented levels of uncertainty shaping the landscape of the CRE market, a shift has emerged, characterized by a notable absence of significant asset movement. Companies, rather than embarking on traditional real estate investments, are increasingly opting to refurbish and refit. This session explores how best to navigate an ever-evolving business environment, with emphasis on integration of energy optimization and smart solutions.

Expert Panel: Emerging Tech Re-shaping The Way We Work

In the age of the “anywhere office”, technology will play a more vital role than ever. It is now crucial for businesses to understand how people are using workspaces and implement technologies that will keep teams connected, organized, safe and ultimately enhance their experience and productivity. Our expert panel shares how some of the largest and most innovative global companies revolutionise how they use technology and how they attract and retain talent.

Innovation Platform: thingdust


Welcome Back

People Centred Workplaces: Cultivating Culture & Engagement

How can companies make the office an attractive proposition to employees who now have more choice in where and how they work? We examine the post pandemic impact on work, space, buildings and the effects on employee and company productivity and well-being, behaviour and culture.

Audemars Piguet Workplaces: Legacy, Focus and Experimentation

Case Study: Audemars Piguet Workplace Adaptation Strategy
Over the years Studio Banana has supported Audemars Piguet, an almost 150 years-old family-owned Swiss watchmaking firm, developing its portfolio of workplaces. This case study presents the range of projects, approaches and strategies deployed at multiple sites as well as how an industrial company has adapted to a post-Covid world of work.

Human Centred Workplace Experience

At a time when workplace has never been more important to C-Suite, we examine the challenges of delivering workplace experience true to brand, culture and people. Roche, and its intrinsically scientific culture, extended an experimental approach to measurement of work and workplace. Looking at how it measures and captures data, what data is used, it examines employee cost efficiency, space efficiency and sustainability. Challenging Roche to embrace and experiment with IT tools, people, space and behaviour.

Expert Panel: Future Lifesciences Workplace | Employee Engagement Regaining Control

Industry experts discuss shifts to more data-driven approaches to workplace design, collaborations across hybrid teams, and the evolving priorities of leaders within the industry. How is the life science industry responding to the future of work in the long-term? And what can we learn from these large organisations about how to create cohesive teams across different geographical locations?

Coffee Break and Networking

Welcome Back

The New Workplace Revolution

What does the future of work and workplace look like? What strategies are organisations adopting to bounce back from the coronavirus and what is the impact on the built environment and commercial real estate?

Never before has the future become reality so quickly!

As we enter a new economic cycle, we are on the cusp of systemic change, a new era that is becoming tangible and palpable for everyone. This change is characterized by an unprecedented dynamic in which the future is rapidly becoming the present. As a result, our world of work is changing faster than we thought possible.

Closing Keynote: Workplace with a Twist

Gensler has been measuring how people work, space effectiveness, and what employees value in workplace experience since 2005 across 14,000 office workers in 10 countries and 3 continents. New data shows what’s changed over time and identifies global commonalities and unique differences by country, by industry, and by key performance indicators such as innovation, commitment, and engagement. As employees return, the survey examined how and where people were working, why people were going to the office, what’s working/not, and what’s missing.

Closing Remarks

Networking Drinks


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  • WORKTECH-Academy